Credit Card OffersCredit Card Offers Are you still paying an annual fee for your credit card? If so, you should be asking for a new credit card offer from a bank that pays you. That is correct. Nowadays, no annual fee is not a sufficient enough lure for most people. Instead, financially savvy consumers are seeking credit cards that offer rebates on their purchases. Annual Fee. Some credit cards require the payment of an annual fee. Unless the rebate amount from such a card exceeds the amount you can obtain from other credit cards, these deals are usually not as attractive. Rebate Amount. Read the fine print. "1% back" is not the same as "Up to 1% back." Some credit cards have tiers, where increasing levels of spending trigger higher rebate percentages. In such cases, it makes sense to consolidate your purchases to a few credit cards, if possible. Also, many credit cards offer reduced rebate amounts for purchases at warehouse stores. Make sure you understand which purchases qualify for a higher rebate and which do not. Pay Your Balance Off Each Month. Your credit card may offer you an attractive rebate, but if keep a balance each month, your interest payments and finance charges may exceed any rebate amount you receive in return. Frequent Flyer Miles. If you need a few frequent flyer miles to reach your next reward level, some credit cards offer you a few thousand miles after you complete your first purchase. This is an easy way to get a quick boost in miles. Credit Card Offers