Yesterday, I heard a PRI report on Violins – Made in China. Initially, I was quite surprised to learn that China manufactures 70% of all the world’s violins. 70%!! However, after some reflection, I realized that China’s manufacturing prowess should not have been that shocking. As an experiment, I’m looking at the place of manufacture for various items within my immediate grasp.
- iPhone: Assembled in China.
- Children’s Melamine Cup: Made in China
- Casio Calculator: Made in China
- Gordini Woman’s Baselayer: Made in China
- Peak 15x Loupe: Japan
- Disney Little Mermaid Personal CD Player
: Made in China
- Head Gloves: Made in China
- X-Acto 16701 Battery Pencil Sharpener
: Made in China
- Nexcare Wrist Carpal Tunnel Brace
: Made in China
- Punchodex P-39 3-Hole Punch: Made in U.S.A.
So, 80% of the items within my immediate reach with stated places of manufacture were produced in China. As for the lone Made in U.S.A. item, is it an antique? How come I cannot find any reference to Punchodex on the Rolodex website? Great. The only item I possess that was manufactured in the U.S.A. just might have been discontinued. I’ll have to bring it to Antique Roadshow one of these days. Remember when we used to manufacture products in this country?