Pearl River Bridge Superior Light Soy Sauce

Pearl River Bridge Superior Light Soy SauceI just discovered that Kylie Kwong recommends Pearl River Bridge soy sauce, the brand that I’ve been using for a number of years. Kylie Kwong explained that “[s]ome inferior versions are full of chemicals, so make sure you buy naturally fermented soy sauce.” The ingredients for Pearl River Bridge Superior Light Soy Sauce are water, soya beans, wheat flour, salt and potassium sorbate. The label indicates that the soy sauce is naturally brewed, but then again so did the label on the Haday Superior Light Soy Sauce, which included the “other” ingredients.

5 responses to “Pearl River Bridge Superior Light Soy Sauce”

  1. I’m glad that each nation has its own food and drug regulatory agency so that when our government drops the ball or is overly influenced by industry, we won’t be completely left in the dark.

  2. Who ever wrote this article does not know what he is talking about. Pearl River Bridge has so much chemicals and additives in it that it is not healthy.

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